Monday 4 August 2014

Hyomin - Nice Body Lyrics

Nice Body Message Debunking

Any woman would love to show off
Any woman goes on a diet at least once
When you’re a woman, you of course want to receive love
The prince of my dreams will certaintly appear to me

This comment you can say is true.. the lyrics started off okay.

(I take note on everything I want to eat)
I live noxiously everyday
(I endure all the pains)
I’m going to be prettier

Why would you live noxiously everyday? When excercising you have to have a balanced diet that includes carbs, protein, vitamins etc.. I don't see why you would live noxiously everyday unless you mean you excercise until you feel queasy which could happen... but it also could mean you are starving yourself because you think it would maintain your body..You also would be saying blatantly "If you don't excercise until you're noxious you aren't going to "prettier" i.e skinny." So thus thick girls are not pretty/are unhealthy?

My body is a nice nice body
Legs are very slim, with my hot waist
(give me love, give me love, give me love)
My body is a nice body
As if everyones surprised they turn back at once to look
Now, they can’t ignore me

This sounds like she may have low self esteem (the writer whoever he/she is) "I have a nice nice body give me love give me love give me love"
Why are you begging strangers for love because of your body?
"Now they can't ignore me."
So you basically excercised not to please yourself but to please others and you're also saying girls who don't have slim legs and hot waists are ignored because they don't have a nice body? So what type of body do they have?

Even you know, that your legs are beautiful, right?
Well I know too, when I stare at it I see, that
I don’t want to win, at least for today anyway
You’re so hungry you look like a log
All of a sudden I meet the best of chances
And I mature even more

So this is after she has the transformation for a "nice nice body" and the guy raps.
(1st line) So legs which are very slim are beautiful and thick legs aren't okay. (as said in chorus legs are VERY slim)
Having this male rap about it is just adding more wood to the fire because he's supposed to be portraying the thoughts of all males, so thus you're saying all males think very slim legs are beautiful and thick legs are not..."You're so hungry you look like a log."
This is like portraying anorexia and telling girls "If you don't look like a log you aren't pretty/don't have a nice nice body" I'm pretty sure Hyomin doesn't have only "skinny" fans, imagine how these young girls who look up to her feel and the line of their thoughts, things like this is what makes young girls slip into depression, self-harm and self-hate.. couldn't these lyrics have been revised? I'm not FULLY blaming Hyomin but she is at partial blame because she is the face, body and voice FOR the I am a tad bit disappointed but not as disappointed as I am with the lyricist..

Any man would wish for such a woman
Any man, as if they’re all the same, love pretty women
Every man thinks about sex at least once
If only they were thinking about me, would be great if it were me

As I said it sounds like the girl Hyomin is portraying in this video also has some low self esteem.. because her thoughts are "If I have this body men will want to have sex with me and desire me.."
Since when does a woman want to be seen as some tush to be passed off and not wifed off?
There's a difference between desire and respect. When a man only desires you it's for one thing wham bam thank you ma'am, but when a man respects you you receive more than just wham bam thank you ma'am and desire (ofc that happens along with the other benefits ;) ) He sees you as a partner, an equal. Someone who has their head on in the right position, someone who they can see being their partner..but here you are saying you're okay with just desire, you want to be loved for your body, you want men to think of your body when they think of sex. Then we wonder why the youth are so keen and focused on sex. Their idols portray it and their idols do it so why not them? Their idols are cool so they want to be cool. Sex without love is now considered "cool."

I’ve gone through so much
You don’t know hard I worked because of you
My nice style, My good feeling style
I’m also proud now

Alright we respect that you worked hard for your nice body.. but isn't it wrong to put down women/young girls of different shape and sizes? Lyricist I am disappointed and I am disappointed in the company for making Hyomin the face of such disgusting lyrics and of such a disgusting song.

Here in the caribbean thick women are confident in themselves why? Because being thick and or curvicious is considered beautiful. I think in all honesty the most ugly person in this world is the one with a nasty attitude/horrid personality, an ugly person only does ugly things you could look like Beyonce on the outside at the end of the day if you have a dirty personality I definately won't be the one to befriend you or even look your way.
I get that south korea has their own ideal thinking of what beautiful is, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder just because you don't find something beautiful doesn't mean other people don't. Reminds me of comments telling idols they are ugly and when the idols receive plastic surgery because of such comments the say commentators are laughing and snickering and calling them plastic monsters when they are the reason the person received plastic surgery in the first place. Stop putting down people.. the tongue is one of the most deadliest weapons and so are the words it speaks (or in this case your fingers and the words they type).

    - A Caribbean KPOP Fan View

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